Spring Kit Installation for T/C Encore

So Krueger is doing some snooping around on the internet trying to figure out what barrel to put on his Thompson / Center (T / C) Encore muzzle loader. The problem is that the trigger is not the best for precision shooting. That leads to an investigation on what to do to improve the trigger function on the T / C Encore so that he could get excellent groups. Turns out that Mike Bellm's T/Cs provides multiple spring kits (at different poundages) for $20. This turns out to be a Great Deal for 5 springs that will definitely improve your trigger function! You can go to Mike's website to buy direct here: https://www.bellmtcs.com/ Go to Store Categories -> Shop and pick the right spring kit for your gun and your preferred poundage. We order the Encore 2.5# spring kits and await their arrival. Kruger comes over and we tear our guns apart - carefully. Thanks to the wonderful research tool that is YouTube, we utilized the following video to help u...