More Coyote Sets - 06 JAN
It's 5 degrees outside with 10 mph winds, putting the wind chill at -95, or something close to that. Krueger and I decide to try and call in some coyotes. As we drive to Marshall's behind the fertilizer plant, we see two 'yotes running N across the highway - and we soon find out why. The plant guys are all out working on the equipment, firing it up, and making an awful racket. There are no critters left in that woods. We leave there and hit Lahrman's - making two sets. We see one deer on our walk out, but other than that, all we get is a frozen face, cold hands, and cold feet. If we are out of the wind, I find myself dressed warm enough. However, if I am in the wind, I clearly do not have enough clothes on. In fact, I'm not sure I own enough clothes! We left Lahrman's and headed for Marshall's S farm. Upon cresting the hill, we saw 19 deer (including 3 bucks) feeding at the swamp. We set up the call and conceal ourselves wi...