
Showing posts from August, 2014

Found Deer Bones - Age?

While Davey and I were squirrel hunting on Marshall's, I came across some deer bones in the North-end of the bottoms.  All that remained were the lower jaw bones and several vertebrae.  I could not deduce any cause of death from those scant remains.  I did however spend some time trying to figure out how old the deer was. From the size, I estimated that it was not a yearling (fawn) - which can also be proven by the fact that there were 6 teeth in the lower jaws - deer are born with 5 and grow their "wisdom" teeth (the sixth set) after the first year.  Please note, deer teeth come in sets of 2 and 3, but are still considered one tooth.  Here's a screen shot to help you picture what I'm talking about: Photo of a fawn lower jaw with teeth outlined. The third tooth on my found jaw was still a set of three, not two - which means that the one I found was less than 2.5 years old.  Because, at 2.5 years old, that 3rd "baby" tooth is replaced by a perma...

Squirrels Open 2014

Friday, 15 August was opening day for squirrel hunting in Indiana.  We've been so busy with yard work, deck building, golf league, etc. to make it happen until Sunday. So, Sunday morning Davey and I went out to Marshall's N farm (where we deer hunt) and walked the creek and ridge looking for tree rats. The kids (Nick, Kathy, and Alex) hunted the Seager Ranch / Nature Preserve / Park.  Yep, we call it that because we mow it and it looks like a park.  Easy walking for sure.  Not at all what Davey and I had to wade through.  Take a look.  This is a shot of the weeds taken at my eye level.  Some of these are over 6 feet tall. Good luck finding a squirrel in that mess if you're fortunate enough to drop one from the trees. Nick ended up shooting one, and if I recall correctly, they only saw 3. Davey and I had better luck seeing them - about 15 - but less luck shooting them.  I missed one and shot one.  Davey did the same. It could ...

Sunflowers Galore

So we borrowed the Lahrman's equipment and planted nearly 8 acres of prairie grass, wild flowers, and sunflowers.  The sunflowers came on awesome this year and the doves can get enough of them. Here are a few shots taken by sister Meg earlier in the Summer. They have all seeded out and have their heads hanging down now. I have mowed one path through them so that we can walk, drive the Gator, and the doves have a place to land. Ought to be a great year dove hunting.