Found Deer Bones - Age?
While Davey and I were squirrel hunting on Marshall's, I came across some deer bones in the North-end of the bottoms. All that remained were the lower jaw bones and several vertebrae. I could not deduce any cause of death from those scant remains. I did however spend some time trying to figure out how old the deer was. From the size, I estimated that it was not a yearling (fawn) - which can also be proven by the fact that there were 6 teeth in the lower jaws - deer are born with 5 and grow their "wisdom" teeth (the sixth set) after the first year. Please note, deer teeth come in sets of 2 and 3, but are still considered one tooth. Here's a screen shot to help you picture what I'm talking about: Photo of a fawn lower jaw with teeth outlined. The third tooth on my found jaw was still a set of three, not two - which means that the one I found was less than 2.5 years old. Because, at 2.5 years old, that 3rd "baby" tooth is replaced by a perma...