Dave had his granddaughter Ava this weekend, so we took advantage of the great weather and broke out the .22s and the fishing poles - at her request, on Saturday. We loaded up about a dozen water balloons and put them up on the range. Then we gave Ava a safety talk. That was promptly followed by us loading magazines and clips while she pulled the trigger. Ava getting a gun safety talk Papaw helping Ava line up the sights Ava shooting .22 at water balloons Then we headed for the pond. We used bee moths and red worms. And we could not keep the poles in the water. As soon as the bobber hit, it was under. Ava caught six fish on her first six casts. She did not tire, even after 20 fish reeled in. Ava fishing for blue gill Ava and Papaw with a big ole blue gill Then afterward, she wrote me this nice Thank You note. That's her shooting at water balloons, collecting empty brass, and fishing. How ...